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About - Jane and Frank Tiley

We had a traditional printing business for 22 years with all the problems that entails, staff, cash flow, bad debts, long hours and no free time, insecurity and little or no pension, always being beholden to the Bank etc. etc.


At the end of 2006 we sold the Company and we were looking for 'something' - we had no idea what. When you've worked in the same industry most of your life and been self employed most employers don't appreciate the experience and skills you can bring to them, they want a degree or a qualification.  Neither of us wanted to become employed again, but equally we didn't want the aggravation of employing people and trading our time for money.

It was a breath of fresh air to discover Forever Living Products in 2007 and a different way of working.


We now work with positive, like minded people and a Company that values you as a person, recognises your achievements and success and supports you every step of the way with outstanding training and support.


We also get to help people every day, not just with our amazing product range but by working with our team, coaching and supporting them to realise the entrepreneur within them.

Jane and Frank Tiley Recruiting Now

An overview of our Company

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